Developing Great Software

Friday, August 28, 2009

Coming Soon - An Article About Developing Custom Ajax Enabled Wicket Components

As I have been very busy looking for full-time work I haven't had time to devote to writing my next article. I've got 5 cats to feed and they eat a lot so I better land a job soon or I might wind up eating my 5 cats LOL. Anyway, I gave it a lot of thought and my next article will be about developing custom Ajax enabled Wicket components. The component that I will create in the tutorial will be similar to the What's On Your Mind component seen on Facebook pages. In the process I will demonstrate how Wicket makes developing this type of component almost trivial. Sincerely, Jeff

1 comment:

  1. Hey,
    I haven't forgotten about this. In fact the project is nearly done and I will soon start developing its related articles.

    Here's are some of the latest updates on this:

    I am going to create an open source project for this on Project Kenai which will allow the articles I am developing on the custom control to focus on the details and give readers an opportunity to actual download the project into Netbeans.

    It is also my intention to make this an open source project and to contribute the custom control to wicket developers and list it on the wicket-stuff wiki web site.

    Netbeans beginning with version 6.7 has excellent integration with Project Kenai so I believe this will work very well.

    I hope to have the first article up in about a week or 2 so please keep checking here for updates.




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New York, NY, United States
Software Developer